Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love vs Hate

Love vs Hate. Choices NOW define our Future. Love and hate are descriptions of longer-term feelings. They are revealed and demonstrated by longer-term behaviors showing intent, motivation, focus, consistency, intensity, confidence. Like tools,factors are neither good nor bad. It is how we use them that decides whether they contribute to harmony or conflict. Neither love nor hate are constructs of the future. We don't work to arrive at them. Rather, we choose to live them in the Present so that they are there in the Future. Living LOVE in the NOW, allows us to experience Joy now and continue to produce it until we have so much that we simply want to share it. By sharing it,we encourage others to feel Joy and for them to leave behind their negative emotions and glide forward into a self-empowering future. Living love now means being optimistic in that reality is faced,problems are acknowledged, solutions are sought and foundand harmony is maintained or extended to bring Joy. Living love means being humble and self-aware enough to acknowledge one's life as a miracle, one's place in the universe as miniscule, one's influence on others as great as their can be on us. Truth becomes understanding that is relevant.Love is its own JUSTICE ...

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